since we are using rainscreen system with a lot of open joints, the only choice for house wrap was vaproshield. it is waterproof, breatheable membrane that self seals arount staple penetrations, it is UV reistant and it comes in black. basically it is like wraping the whole house in gore-tex.
first step is to wrap around openings. to make it easier, vaproshield pre-cut flahing is available as well as 3d corners that make it really easy to flash around openings. rest of the membrane will be applied after windows are in place.
all rough framing is slowly geting finalized, ceiling framing was installed, there are still some minor things that need to be corrected. electrician started to place housing boxes where outlets and switches will be located.
jj Bragooo uz sa vam to rysuje :D hezkeeee. Ja som akurat dokoncil uz bytik v troch veziach :p jupiii dodam foto.
ReplyDeleteP.S. Hezke nadobicko - Makita je super volba to ta prezije :)