Saturday, February 28, 2009


we were little bit suprised in the end. our pile of chips was little bit smaller than we expected.

we did some chipping today, to get rid of the pile of branches from trees we cut last weekend. it was a lot of fun. and a lot of noise.  we rented a u haul pickup and chipper from home depot.  

Sunday, February 22, 2009

tree felling

photo of neighbourhood
and lots of firewood for camping

at the end, we ended up with big pile of branches

we saved this big old beautifull one in the front yard. at the begining we wanted it gone, looking at it today we couldnt.  just trimmed it little so it will not be in the way of house.  the main problems with this tree is its roots. they spread all the way to the half of the property.  general rule is that any roots under the perimeter of crown shouldnt be touched in order for the tree to survive.  we even had stomp guy take a look at it to see what could be done.  he recomended to fell the whole tree if we want to build in its proximity as it would eventualy most likely die. we will see.

Jan helped us a lot.  when i was running out of strenght he showed up to do some more sawing.
paradoxly,  we had most trouble with smallest tree. it just wouldnt fall where we wanted.

our friends Jan and Frank came afternoon to help us.

lunch time

we have 4 big trees on the land. or i should say we had 4 trees. now we have one.  

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

our design


we are officially land owners since tuesday.  we have been planning our home for a while and are pretty much set with the current design. briefly, the house is around 1900sf including garrage, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, single story, slab on grade, open floor plan, sip walls and roofs (at least for now), full height windows, radiant heating, HR fan ventilation system, mini split AC (future), exterior rain screen system, large patio and breeze way between garrage and house. in general we are aiming for low energy home.